Facilities & Capabilities
The Neorion Syros Shipyards along with their current activities such as repairing and yacht building, enter new markets and at the same time, are properly modernized to meet the challenges of the new era.
ONEX SYROS SHIPYARDS beyond the repair and construction of commercial vessels introduces new activities such as:
- Expansion of Mega Yachting services
- LNG Conversions
- Repair and construction of oil rigs and gas extraction platforms
- Advanced Defense Naval Systems
- Total acreage of land amounts 61078 m2 (15 acres)
- 13 individual buildings – 9 further outbuildings privately owned Total Space: 25984 m2 (279689,50 ft2)
- Total length of piers 1800 m (5905.50 ft.)
- Piers are equipped with 20, 25 & 40 ton cranes
- Floating waste reception unit
- Four (4) tugs
- Floating tanks have a capacity of 75,000 and 40,000 DWT (Deadweight Tonnage), respectively
- NEORION is equipped with synchro lift of 2,500 tons capacity and serves ships up to 100 m long. It is one of the largest in the Eastern Mediterranean and it was installed especially for the yacht market.
- Electric power efficient and autonomous
Premises & Acreage.
Complex | Outbuilding | Description | m2 | ft2 |
K1 | Personnel Offices | 216 | 2325 | |
K2 | Offices | 296 | 3186 | |
K3 | Office Building | 864 | 9300 | |
K4 | Warehouse/Offices/Infirmary/C anteen | 2742 | 29515 | |
K5 | Maintenance Building | 1586 | 17072 | |
K7 | Maintenance Building | 451 | 4854.50 | |
K8 | Offices | 444 | 4779 | |
K9 | Warehouse | 3525 | 37943 | |
K10 | Machine Shop | 3991 | 42959 | |
Kll | Carpentry | 1546 | 16641 | |
K12 | Heavy Rolling Mill | 4237 | 45607 | |
K13 | Light Rolling Mill | 387 | 4166 | |
K14 | Electric Power Substation | 770 | 8288 | |
Yl | Warehouse | 1519 | 16350 | |
Y2 | Maintenance | 434 | 4671.50 | |
Y3 | Heavy Vehicles | 862 | 9278.50 | |
Y5 | Warehouse Tubular | 170 | 1830 | |
Y6 | Biological Wastewater Treatment/Washing Machine | 212 | 2282 | |
Y7 | 220 | 2368 | ||
Y8 | 628 | 6758 | ||
Y9 | 444 | 4779 | ||
Y10 | 432 | 4650 |
Existing Service and Expansion to New Activities
The Neorion Syros Shipyards along with their current activities such as repairing and yacht building, soon will enter new markets that will ensure its viability and at the same time, will be properly modernized to meet the challenges of the new era.
ONEX SYROS SHIPYARDS beyond the repair and construction of commercial vessels introduces new activities such as:
- Establishment of a brand name in Mega Yachting
- Expansion of Mega Yachting services
- Repair and construction of oil rigs and gas extraction platforms
- Advanced Defense Naval Systems
Health & Safety
- Sick-bay and first-aid facilities available in house
- Daily attendance of doctor
- Liaising with local National Health Department & Hospital
- Yearly checks of all personnel
- All above achieve best results by preventive health procedures or otherwise
- Ambulance
- Public Hospital nearby (500m from yard)
- Fire Brigade opposite yard
- Two fire/flood rescue drills per year in cooperation with the Fire Brigade Department
Safety & Security
- Personnel safety
- Yard safety
- Vessel safety
- Proximity to local public fire brigade & hospital
- Common drills with local authorities
- ISPS security system certification
- Continuous monitoring of yard by CCTVs
- 24/7 patrols
- Two (2) Qualified Safety Engineers
- Report to the managing director
- Fully compliance to Greek and EU regulations
- Presence of at least one if there is any kind of operation in the yard.
- Oversee the production process and provide recommendations on
- Health and safety issues
- Arrange training on health & safety issues
New Buildings Management
Team of Specialists with the following tasks:
- Production Planning
- Production Progress Monitoring
- Shipyard shops coordination
- Subcontractors coordination
- Technical Support

Quality Control Management
Quality Management Function
- Responsible for the implementation of ISO 9001:2000 quality system by the shipyard.
- Performs internal audits to all departments of the shipyard.
Quality Control Function
- Performs all kind of quality inspections required by both Ship-repairs and new buildings sectors.
- Quality control can be performed by the foremen of each department, according to quality control plans, as well.
- ISO 9001:2000 (BV) certified
Personnel Training
- Inter-enterprise training and retraining for various skills, competences, or tasks. This can be either on a scheduled basis, or on an ad-hoc basis (circa 2,000 persons up to date).
- Training of young unemployed for various skills (circa 3,600 persons up to date). More than 60% of these skills were of interest to the shipyards, and about 20-25% of the unemployed were contracted by the shipyards.
- Large-scale training, research and study projects, in co-operation with Neorion and shipyards, and a number of other organizations. The EQUAL Neorion II and EUNETYARD projects are typical examples of this kind of activity
Environmental Protection
- Seminars and training for environmental protection
- In compliance to international regulations (MARPOL 73/78, Directive 2000/59EC) for the disposal of oily waste, noxious chemicals, hazardous waste, recyclable waste, sewage etc.
- Under contract with NORTH AEGEAN SLOPS
- Pollution drills in conjunction with local authorities
- Skimming vessel
- Antipollution stations