ONEX Sponsorship Announcement: Weightlifting Team Again High
March 20, 2025, Athens
ONEX Shipyards & Technologies Group has entered into another sponsorship partnership, this time with the top weightlifting team. The sponsorship was presented at the offices of the Hellenic Weightlifting Federation, at the OAKA, by Panos Xenokostas, President and CEO of ONEX Shipyards & Technologies, as well as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Shipyards Association, in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Sports, Mr. Yiannis Vroutsis.
The Federation was represented by the President, Mrs. Theano Zagliveri, the First Vice President, Mrs. Anna Stroumbou and from the members of the Board of Directors, our Olympic champions Pyrros Dimas, Valerios Leonidis and Leonidas Sampanis as well as ONEX executives.
Mr. Vroutsis underlined how important it is for large companies, such as the ONEX Shipyards & Technologies Group, to support the base of Greek sports, while he referred to the glorious past of the National Weightlifting team and the effort made by the Federation to return to international successes. “This team is imprinted in the mind of every Greek man and woman with golden memories! It gave us moments of unparalleled pride. I think we are in a transitional stage that will lead to the restart of the sport. The presence of Panos Xenokostas and ONEX are guarantees for the new beginning.”
The President and CEO of ONEX, Panos Xenokostas, stated, among other things, the following: “I am particularly happy and it is my honor to be here with you, along with Pyrros Dimas and the other champions, reflecting on how proud you made all of us Greeks a few years ago. The time has come for the sport of weightlifting to come back to the forefront and regain the position it deserves. My love for sports is immense and I always seek to support it in every way. I want us to win medals, for our children not to go abroad, for people to come to the stadiums again. For all of us at ONEX who have been moved to tears by your triumphs, we are truly proud to have the opportunity to support your team and we wish you many successes with our sponsorship contribution. The Greek weightlifting team for us symbolizes the fighters who never stop winning, committed to their goals and this whole attitude to life and philosophy is identical to that of ONEX”.
On behalf of the Federation, the President, Mrs. Theano Zagliveri, described weightlifting as the “mother of all sports” and emphasized that “weightlifting should enter the lives of all people so that they can experience its benefits. It is indicative that the champions have now included Olympic weightlifting in their program, recognizing the positive results for their bodies that come from training with the Olympic bar”.
The President of the Federation warmly thanked ONEX and personally Panos Xenokostas for his initiative, as “this kind of collaboration will enable us to highlight the value of our sport and make our team internationally famous again. Together with ONEX, we are confident that we will bring many medals both to our country and abroad, making the Greeks proud again.”